With the increasing number of fever-related cases, the development of thermometers are important. These instruments measure how high or cold the body temperature is at a particular moment.

An Overview of Thermometers

Thermometers are essential instruments used for reading temperatures in several entities. Knowing how to choose a thermometer is important especially for medical practitioners.

There are various categories of thermometer available. For medical practitioners, they use medical thermometer to read human temperatures. The readings are between 34 degrees Celsius and 42 degrees Celsius.

You should know that the lower the readings, the colder the patient’s temperature. Also, the higher the Celsius, the hotter the body temperature.

Methods of Using the Thermometer

There are various methods to read the body temperature; we will talk about some, in this section.

  • Auxiliary Method

This method is usually recommended for new babies and young kids. It is usually done by placing the top of the instrument in the Center of the armpit. Then, it will be left for about 45 seconds till it beeps. Finally, the instrument will be loosened and read accordingly.

  • Oral Method

For the oral method of using thermometers, this instrument will be placed in the mouth. Also, note that it should be used only for children 5 years and above. It will be placed in the tongue Center, and the mouth will be slightly closed. Thereafter, you should leave the thermometer for about a minute till the sounds beep. You can now remove it and read accordingly.

  • Tympanic Method

This is medically recommended for young children around two years and considered very fast. However, it comes with very complicated and sometimes inaccurate readings.

The Tympanic thermometer will be inserted in the ears till it reaches the canal depth. After 45 seconds, it would be withdrawn, and you can commence readings.

Using thermometers is important and necessary to determine how severe a fever case is at a moment. Are there other ways you know to measure temperatures, using thermometers?

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